
 2.3.'Self Concept':

Self-concept is the image we create of ourselves. In this way we evaluate our behavior and abilities. For example, beliefs such as "I am a good friend" or "I am a kind person" are part of our self-concept. So self-concept is our self-perception, belief, perception or view of ourselves. Self-concept is a term; which we use to describe the beliefs, interests, skills and tendencies we hold about ourselves. This includes everything from your behavior and abilities to your unique traits. Self-concept is not fixed but can change over time as we learn, grow and experience new things . From this we realize that; Self-concept is not innate; So it develops from experience after birth. Are we capable of doing something? Self worth or not? How do you feel about yourself? It is also called self-perception . It is important; Because it affects our motivation, attitude and behavior

In short, self-concept is a collection of beliefs about yourself and the responses other people make about you . If you want to find your self-concept, make a list of things that describe you as a person. What are your grades? what do you like How do you feel about yourself? Self concept is discovered through this. Rogers states three parts of self-concept : ideal self: the ideal self is the person you want to be in the future; Related to this. Do you have the qualities you need today to become what you want to be in the future? If not, are you working towards it? You can reach your ideal self only if you work. Otherwise it will remain only an imagination. Who are your idols? Who do you want to be like? You may find your ideal self in the answer to this question.  Self Image : Self Image How do you see yourself at this moment? It refers to Physical characteristics, personality traits, and social roles all play an important role in shaping your self-image. how am i Your self image can be found in this question. Self-Esteem : How much you like, accept and value yourself; All of these things contribute to your self-concept. How do other people see you, how do you compare to others? And your self-esteem is affected by many factors such as your role in society.

Three components of self-concept

  1. Self-awareness : Do you want to be happier? Want to become a person of greater influence? Want to become a better decision maker? Want to become a more effective leader? So self-awareness is the most important thing you need to develop. Only through self-awareness/ self-awareness can you make yourself the best you can be. Self-awareness is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as "the perceptual knowledge of one's own nature, feelings, motives, and desires . " According to psychologists Shelley Duvall and Robert Wicklund, "Self-awareness is a person's ability to focus on oneself and how your actions, thoughts, or feelings match or do not match your internal values. If you are highly self-aware, you objectively evaluate yourself. can manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and correctly perceive how others perceive you'. There are two distinct types of self-awareness, one public and the other private. Public Self-Awareness: How you perceive others . Being aware of being seen. With this awareness, we are more likely to follow social norms and behave in ways that are socially acceptable. While this type of awareness has benefits, it also carries the risk of self-consciousness. Who spends a lot of time worrying about what other people think of us? Private self- awareness : refers to one's ability to notice and express one's own state of mind. People who have private self-awareness; They are introspective, keenly looking at their own feelings and reactions. For example, do you find yourself feeling stressed as you prepare for an important meeting? Note that. Noticing physical sensations and self-monitoring of anxiety about the meeting. People who lack self-awareness are reluctant to share certain aspects of themselves with others. Such people develop their personality which lacks authenticity. 

  1. Self-presentation : How others think of you; Any action you take with the intention of influencing them. how you interact with other people, how much you reveal yourself and how you dress; what jewelry do you wear; How you write comes down to self-presentation. People can present themselves in different ways depending on the situation, but why do people present themselves? The reasons for this remain the same across industries and some cultures. Each culture also has its own norms and expectations; People present themselves accordingly. People often use self-presentation as a way of creating self-identity . Many people use their own values, behaviors and beliefs, beliefs for self-presentation. They want other people to identify them with that. For example, Hindus wear a Tila on the head; Tie ropes in hands; A mala is worn around the neck while Muslims grow a beard; They wear caps so that people identify them as Muslims.  

  2. Self-Esteem : Self-esteem is the respect or pride one feels about oneself. When he is positive, we feel confident and self-esteem. We are satisfied with ourselves and our abilities. Although self-esteem is stable and durable, it can fluctuate. Healthy self-esteem makes us resilient and optimistic about life. Is self-esteem just what we think it is? how do you feel And how does it behave? It does not affect this; It also has significant effects on the enjoyment of life. Our relationships, our careers, our life goals, how do we take care of ourselves and our children? Along with this, it has a large positive-negative effect on every event in our life. Difficult events such as a breakup, illness or loss of income can lower our self-esteem, but soon we can start thinking positively about ourselves and our future. Even if we fail, it does not diminish our self-esteem. People with healthy self-esteem give credit to themselves when things go right and when they don't; Then they think of external causes. They honestly assess their mistakes and shortcomings and then try to improve them.

  3. Self-esteem : Self-esteem is the respect a person has for himself. They act in a way that will increase their values. Self-respect means having confidence in yourself and showing respectable, beautiful and dignified behavior . A person with healthy self-esteem has a better understanding and appreciation of the true qualities and characteristics associated with themselves. Self-respect is essential; Because it's the reward you give yourself even when you're feeling down or losing motivation. It can be tempting to seek approval from others; However, we should always inspire our values ​​and personality to lead an honest life. Self-esteem is about understanding your strengths and weaknesses, as well as creating your own limits . An understanding of these factors is important for building self-esteem and establishing successful relationships with others. The main difference between self-esteem and self-respect is ; That self-esteem depends on a person who he is? Self-esteem focuses on the value we place on our abilities and skills.

Self-control : Self-control is the ability to regulate and modify one's responses to avoid unexpected behavior, promote appropriate behavior, and achieve long-term goals. Ability to control behavior to avoid temptation and achieve goals; Ability to delay gratification and resist unexpected behaviors or urges; That is self control . Different terms people use for self-control include discipline, determination, courage, and willpower. Some researchers believe that self-control is partly determined by genetics, but it is also a skill; which we can strengthen with practice. There are three primary types of self-control : Impulse control is the ability to manage urges and impulses. People who struggle with impulse control may act first without considering the consequences of their actions. Emotional control is the ability to regulate emotional reactions. A person who struggles with emotional control may find it difficult to manage strong emotions. They may overreact, experience bad moods all the time, and be overwhelmed by the intensity of their emotions. Movement control refers to how and when the body moves; The ability to control it. A person who has difficulty with movement control; Such a person may experience restlessness and find it difficult to remain still.


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